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Congressman admits anti-gambling stance was wrong

My name is Earl
It takes a big man to admit when he’s wrong, but much like the eponymous lead character of My Name Is Earl, Congressman Earl Blumenauer, has seen the error of his ways and, like Earl Hickey, is now seeking to make amends. Blumenauer has weighed up the pros and cons of legalising and regulating online gambling, and realised that he was wrong to vote against it in 2006. “It looks like, over the next 10 years, this is $40 billion that would go to the federal government for either worthy programs or deficit reduction,” he said. “So this seemed to me to just make sense – to actually license and regulate it rather than driving it underground and offshore.” Well said that man. Lose the bow-tie, buy yourself a lumberjack shirt and your epiphany will be complete. Read more.

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